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and save an average of $581
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Medicare 101
Medicare is a federal program that provides individuals 65 years or older healthcare coverage at a small cost. Original Medicare coverage is broken into two parts-Part A and Part B-and is accepted by nearly every doctor and hospital in the country. Medicare Part A covers inpatient or hospital stays while Part B covers outpatient or medical care.
Together, Part A and B cover about 80% of the typical healthcare costs seniors face-leaving a few significant gaps in coverage. Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans are supplemental policies designed to help extend coverage, lessen costs, and ultimately give beneficiaries peace of mind at all times.

How it works
Get rates for Medicare Supplement insurance carriers in your area -- all in one place!
Select the Medicare Supplement plan that best fits your health care needs and budget.
Our Licensed Agents answer your questions so you can rest assured you have the best plan for you!
How does this fit with other coverage
Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans work alongside your Original Medicare plan to help fill coverage gaps, such as traveling abroad and deductibles. Because it is used with your federal Medicare coverage, it is also accepted at any hospital that accepts Original Medicare.
Medicare Supplement plans offer the advantage of flexibility; unlike some other senior healthcare options, you have the freedom to enroll in or change your Medicare Supplement policy at any time throughout the year. And because Medicare Supplement policies are guaranteed renewable, you cannot lose coverage if you develop a health condition or concern-meaning you're protected year over year, no matter what.
21st Century Insurance, A&B Insurance and Financial, AAA Insurance Co., AARP, Abrazo Health, Acceptance, AccuQuote, Acquisition Technologies, Admaric Insurance Agency, Admiral Life, Advantra, Advocate Health, Aegis First, Aegon US Holding Corp., Aetna, AFLAC, Affordable Health Insurance Group, AGA, AHCP, AHIA, AHIX, AIG Direct, AIG, AIP, AIS, AIU Insurance, All Web Leads, Allegiant Group, Alliance & Associates, Alliance Insurance, Alliance National Health, Allied Health, Allied Insurance, Allied, Allina Health, Allstate County Mutual, Allstate Indemnity, Allstate Insurance, AllWebLeads, Alpine Digital Group Inc., America Direct, America's Insurance, America's Trust, Inc., American Automobile Insurance, American Benefits Group, American Casualty, American Continental, American Deposit Insurance, American Direct Business Insurance, American Empire Insurance, American Family Insurance, American Family Mutual, American Fidelity Corp., American Financial, American General, American Health Underwriters, American Home Assurance, American Insurance Agencies Direct, American Insurance Organization, American Insurance, American International Ins, American International Pacific, American International South, American Life & Health, American Manufacturers, American Mayflower Insurance, American Motorists Insurance, American National Insurance, American Premier Insurance, American Protection Insurance, American Republic Insurance Co., American Republic, American Savers Plan, American Security Insurance Company, American Service Insurance Agency, American Skyline Insurance Company, American Spirit Insurance, American Standard Insurance - OH, American Standard Insurance - WI, American, Americare Group, Americare/American Enterprise, Americas Health Brokers, Americas Health Group, AmeriChoice, Americo, Ameriquote, Amerigroup, AmeriHealth, Amerilife, AmeriPlan, Ameriprise Financial Group, Ameriprise, Ameriquote, Amica Insurance, Amica, Angelic Marketing Group, ANPAC, Answer Financial, Anthem / BCBS, Anthem BCBS, Anthem, Aon Corp., AON, Apliant, Apollo Interactive, Arbella, Ardent Health Services, Associated Indemnity, Assurance IQ, Inc., Assurant, Assured Life, Astonish, Atlanta Casualty, Atlantic Blue Media, Atlantic Indemnity, Atomic Leads, Auto Club Insurance Company, Auto Insurance GuideAuto Owners, Avenge Digital, Aviva, AvMed Inc., Avmed, AXA Advisors, AXA Insurance Group, Banker's Fidelity, Bankers Life and Casualty, Bankrate Insurance, Bankrate, Inc., Bankrate, Banner Life, Bantam Connect, Bartleson Brokers, BCBS of Florida, BCBS of Michigan, BCBS, Benefit Mall, Benepath, Best Agency USA, BH Insurance Solutions, LLC, Blue Cross of South Carolina, Blue Cross/Blue Shield Association Companies, Blue Cross, Blue Shield of California, Blue Wing Ads, BMP Insurance, Bold Media Group, Bolt, Boost Health, Bravo Health, Brightway, Brooke Insurance, Brookstone Financial, BRXTN Digital Media, Budget Family Insurance, c0aster, Cal Farm Insurance, California State Automobile Association,, Cambia, CAN,, Capital Choice, Capital District Physicians Health Plan, Capital Health Insurance of America, CareMore, Caresource, Carle Clinic Association, Catholic Financial Life, CDPHP, Cege Media, Centene Corp., Centene, Century Benefits, Cherry Blitz, Choice Direct, Choice Insurance, Christian Fidelity, Chubb, Cigna, Citigroup, Citizens, Clarendon American Insurance, Clarendon National Insurance, Clear One, Clearlink, CNA Insurance, CO Farm Bureau, Colonial Insurance, Colonial Penn, Commercial Marketing Group,, Community Care, CommunityCare,, CompareInsuranceQuotes, Comparison Market, Connect Insurance Brands, Connect One Health, ConnectiCare, Conseco Life, Consumer United, Contactability, Continental Casualty, Continental Divide Insurance, Continental Insurance, Continental Life, Conventry, Coverage One, Cotton States Insurance, Country Companies, Country Financial, Country Insurance and Financial Services, Countrywide Insurance, Coventry Health Care, Coventry, Coverage One Insurance Group LLC, Coverdell, CoverHound, Covida, Creative Emarketing, Crosspointe Insurance Advisors, CS Marketing, CSE Insurance Group, CSE, CUNA Mutual Group, Dairyland County Mutual Co of TX, Dairyland Insurance, Datalot, DataMax, Dean Health, Delphi Financial, Digiline Media, Digital DBA, Direct Auto, Direct General, Direct Property & Casualty, Direct Ring Media, Direct Web Advertising, Discount Insurance Quotes, Doc Auto Insurance, DoublePositive, DTRIC, e-TeleQuote Insurance, Eagle Health, eAmerifamily, East Coast Health Insurance, Efinancial, eHealth Insurance, eHealthInsurance Services, Elderplan, Electric Insurance, Electric, Elephant, EmblemHealth, Empire, Encompass, Enrollment Services Inc., EPIQ, Equita Group Final Expense Services, Equita Group, Erie Insurance Company, Erie Insurance Exchange, Erie Insurance Group, Erie Insurance Property and Casualty, Esurance, Everest Financial & Insurance Services, Every Choice Insurance, Exact Match Media, Excel Impact, Excella Benefits, Inc., Excelling, Inc., Excellus, Fallon Community Health Plan, Family First Insurance Advisors, Family Life, Family/Rural, Farm Bureau/Farm, Farm Bureau, Farmers Insurance Exchange, Farmers Insurance, Farmers TX County Mutual, Farmers Union, Fidelis, Fidelity Life,, Fiorella Insurance, Fire and Casualty Insurance Co of CT, Fireman's Fund, First Choice Health, First Family Insurance, First Preferred Insurance, Flexquote, Florida Blue, Forefront Insurance, Foremost, Foresters, Forethought, Formza, LLC, Fortegra Insurance, Fortis, Freedom health, Freeway Insurance, Gainsco, Gaurantee Trust Life, Geber Life, Geico Casualty, Geico General Insurance, Geico Indemnity, GEICO, Geisinger Insurance, Geisinger, Generation Life, Genworth Financial, Genworth, Gerber Life, Gerber,, Get Seen Media, GetAuto, GetInsured, Get My Life Insured, Get Seen Media, GHI, Globe Life, GMAC Insurance, GMAC/NGIC, Go Direct Lead Generation, LLC, GoHealth/Norvax, GoHealth,, Goji, Golden Rule Insurance Co., Golden Rule Insurance, Golden Rule, GoMedigap, Government Employees Insurance, Government Personnel Mutual Life, Great American, Great West, GreatAmerican, Group Health Incorporated, Guaranteed Benefits, Guaranteed Health Options, Guaranty National Insurance, Guardian Healthcare, Guardian Life, Guide One Insurance, Guide One, Guide to Insure, GuidePointe Solutions, Hanover Lloyd's Insurance Company, Hanover, HAP Health Alliance, Hartford Accident and Indemnity, Hartford Casualty Insurance, Hartford Fire & Casualty, Hartford Fire Insurance, Hartford Insurance Co of Illinois, Hartford Insurance Co of the Southeast, Hartford Life, Hartford Omni, Hartford Underwriters Insurance, Hartford, Harvard Commonwealth Health Plan, Harvard Pilgrim, Hawaii Medical Services Association, HCC Insurance holdings,, Health & Life Advantage, Health America, Health and Life Associates, Health and Life Plans of America, Health Benefits Center, Health Benefits Direct, Health Care Service Corp., Health Corp USA, Health Choice One, Health Corp USA, Health Insurance for Everyone, Health Insurance of America, Health Insurance Innovations, Health I.Q., Health Markets, Health Net, Health Now New York Inc., Health Plans of America, Health Option One, Health Partners of Philadelphia Inc., Health Plan One, Health Plus of America, Health Plus, Health Savings Group, Healthcare Advisors, HealthCare Alternatives, Healthcare Direct, Healthcare Solutions Team,, HealthCompare Insurance Services, Inc.,, HealtheDeals, HealthMarkets / Insphere, HealthMarkets, HealthMatchup, HealthNet, HealthPartners, HealthPlan Advisors, HealthPlanMatchup, HealthPlus of Michigan, HealthPocket, HealthShare American, HealthSpire, HealthSpring,, Healthy Halo, Henry Ford Health System, Heritage Health Advisors, Highmark BCBS, Highmark, HIP Health Plan, HIP Insurance, Hippo Insurance, Hiscox, HolaDoctor, Home Insurance King,, Homeland HealthCare, Hometown Quotes, Horace Mann, Horizon, Hospital Services Association of NEPA, HPO, HST Enrollment Center, HST, Humana, Hypertarget Marketing, iCan Benefit Group, Ideal Concepts, IFA Auto Insurance, IGF Insurance, IHC Group, IHC Health Plans, IMO, Impact Media, Independence Blue Cross, Independent Carriers, Independent Health Association, Independent Insurance Consultants, Infinity Insurance, Infinity National Insurance, Infinity Select Insurance, Infinix Media, ING US Life, ING, Innovation Direct Group, Inquire Media, Inside Response, Insphere Insurance Solutions, Insphere, InsuraMatch, Insurance Care Direct, Insurance Central, Insurance Insight, Insurance Line One, Insurance Management Associates, Insurance Made Easy, Insurance Solutions Direct,,, InsuranceOnly, InsuranceProz, InsuranceQuotes, Inc.,, Insured Street, InsureMe, InsWeb, Independent Insurance Consultants, Integon, Integrated Benefits, IntelliQuote, Inter Valley Health Plan, IPA Direct, iQuoteX, Jackson National Life, JCG New Media, JLS, John Hancock, JRC Insurance Group, Kaiser Permanente, Kaiser, Kanopy Insurance, Keenan Associates, Kelsey-Seybold, Kemper Lloyds Insurance, Kemper, Key Insurance Advisors, Keystone, Knights of Columbus, Landmark American Insurance, Lands Health, LBCOT Insurance, Lead Foundations, Lead Trust Media Group, Leadco, LeadEnvoy, Leader National Insurance, Leader Preferred Insurance, Leader Specialty Insurance, Leadnomics, Legal & General America, Level One Health Group, Liberty First Health and Life, Liberty Health Plan, Liberty Insurance Corp, Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Liberty Mutual, Liberty National, Liberty Northwest Insurance, LifeInsuranceMatchup, LifeLine Direct, LifeQuotes, Lifetime Healthcare, Lighthouse Insurance Group, Lincoln National, Lockton Affinity Group, Longevity Alliance, Louisiana Health Services, Loyal American, LQ Digital, Lumbermens Mutual, M Plan Inc., Managed Health Inc., MAPFRE, Marchex, Martin's Point, Maryland Casualty, Mass Mutual, Massachusetts Mutual, MassNexus, Massive&Co, Maxxlocal, MedGapDirect, MediaAlpha, Medical Card System Inc., Medical Mutual of Ohio, Medicare Solutions,, MedicareProz, Mega/Midwest, Mercury, Mercy, MetLife Auto and Home, Metlife, Metropolitan Insurance Co., Mid Century Insurance, Mid-Continent Casualty, Middlesex Insurance, Midland National Life, Midland National, Migo Insure, Mikayla Data, Minnesota Mutual, Mississippi Insurance, MJ Direct, MMI Group, MMM Healthcare Inc., Modern Health, LLC, Molina Healthcare Inc., Molina, Moss Affiliate Marketing, Mountain Financial, Mutual of New York, Mutual of Omaha, MVP, MyInsuranceExpert, National Ben Franklin Insurance, National Better Living Association, National Brokerage, National Brokers of America, National Casualty, National Continental Insurance, National Family Assurance Group, Inc., National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, National General Insurance, National Health Connect, National Health Insurance, National Health Plans dba Your Lowest Quote, National Health Solutions, National Indemnity, National Union Fire Insurance of LA, National Union Fire Insurance of PA, Nations Health Group Guide One Insurance, Nations Insurance Solutions, Nationwide General Insurance, Nationwide Health Advisors, Nationwide Insurance Company, Nationwide Mutual Fire Insurance, Nationwide Mutual Insurance, Nationwide Property and Casualty, Nationwide, Navy Mutual Aid Association, Neighborhood Health Plan Inc., Neilson Financial Services, Net Health Affiliates, NetQuote, New England Financial, New Era, New York Life Insurance, New York Life, NewQuest, NextGen Leads, NGIC, Nikia Media, NMP Insurance Services, LLC / NameMyPremium, Noridian Mutual Insurance Company, Northwestern Mutual Life, Northwestern Mutual, Northwestern Pacific Indemnity, Norvax, NuHealth, Number One Health Insurance Agency, OctaneFire, Offer Advisors,, Ohio National Life, Old Mutual US Life, Omni Indemnity, Omni Insurance, ONCOR Insurance Services, Onviant, Optimize.Ad, Optimum HealthCare, Orion Insurance, Oscar Health Insurance, OSCAR Health, Oxford, Pacific Benefits Group, Pacific Indemnity, Pacific Insurance, Pacific Life and Annuity, Pacific Life, Pacificare, Pafco General Insurance, Palmetto Senior Solutions, Parasol Agents Network, Patriot General Insurance, Pay Per Call Market, Peace of Mind Solutions, Peak Property and Casualty Insurance, PEMCO Insurance, Penn Mutual, Phoenix Life, Physicians Health Plan, Physicians Life, Physicians Mutual, Physicians United Plan, Pickett Group/TermLifeMatch, Pier21 Media, Ping Leads, Pinney Insurance Center, Inc., PJP Agency, PJP Health, Platinum Leads, Plymouth Rock, PMIC, PolicyFuel, Powderhorn Media, Precise Leads, Precise Solutions Group, Precursor Media, Preferred Care, Preferred Mutual, Premera Blue Cross, Premier Business Solutions, Premier Health Solutions, Premium Precision Marketing, Presbyterian Health Plan, Presbyterian Healthcare Services, Presidio Interactive, Principal Financial, Principal Life, Principal, Primary Health Care, Prime Care Health, Prime Marketcare One, Priority Health, Progressive Auto Pro, Progressive Insurance, Progressive, Protective Life, Progressive Motorcycle, Providence Health Plan, Providence, Prudential Insurance Co., Prudential of America, Prudential, PURE, Puritan Health, Pyramid Life, Quality Healthcare Solutions, QuickInsured, Quick Life Center, LLC, QuinStreet, Quote Engine, QuoteLab, LLC, QuoteStorm, QuoteWhiz, QuoteWizard, Rank Media, Real Results, RedVentures, Regence, Reliance Insurance, Reliance National Indemnity, Reliance National Insurance, ReliaQuote, Renaissance Health Services Corp., Republic Indemnity, Response Insurance, RevPoint Media, Rex Direct, Ring Router, RSA, Safe Auto, Safeco, Safeguard, Safeway Insurance Co of AL, Safeway Insurance Co of GA, Safeway Insurance Co of LA, Safeway Insurance, Safeway, Sagicor, Savings Bank Life Insurance Company of Massachusetts (SBLI), Scan Health Plan, SCMS, Scott and White, Secure Horizons, Secured Health, Security Health Plan of Wisconsin Inc., Security Insurance Co of Hartford, Security National Insurance Co of FL, SelectHealth, Selective Healthcare, SelectQuote Insurance Services, SelectQuote Life, SelectQuote Senior, SelectQuote, Senior Health Connect Insurance Agency, Senior Health Direct, Senior Healthcare Direct, Senior Market Partners, Senior Market Sales, Senior Market Quotes, SeniorQuote Insurance Services, Sentara Health Management, Sentinel Insurance, Sentry Insurance a Mutual Company, Sentry Insurance Company, Sentry Insurance Group, Sentry, Shelter Insurance Co., Shelter Insurance Company, Sierra Health Services, Simple Insurance Leads, Simpson Financial Group, Smedley Insurance Group, SolidQuote, LLC, Southern Guard Insurance, Spectrum Direct, Spectrum Health, Spring Insurance Solutions, Spring Venture Group, St. Paul Fire and Marine, St. Paul Insurance, St. Paul, Stancorp Financial, Standard Fire Insurance Company, Standard Life, State and County Mutual Fire Insurance, State Auto, State Farm County, State Farm Fire and Cas, State Farm General, State Farm Indemnity, State Farm Insurance Co., State Farm Lloyds Tx, State Farm Mutual Auto, State Farm, State Fund, State National Insurance, Sterling Senior Health, Sterling, Stone Hill National, Suited Connector, SummaCare, Summit Health, Sun Coast, Sun Life Assurance Company, Sunrise Health, Superior American Insurance, Superior Guaranty Insurance, Superior Insurance, Sure Health Plans, Sureco, SVG, Swiss Re, Tech Insurance, TexanPlus, The Ahbe Group, The Benefit Depot, The Benefit Link, The Complete Lead, The General, The Insurance Center, The Hartford AARP, The Hartford, The Lead Company, The Senior Resource Group, The Zebra, Three Rivers Holdings, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, TIAA-CREF, Tiburon Insurance Services, TICO Insurance, TIG Countrywide Insurance, Titan, Tobias & Associates, Torchlight Technology, Torchmark, Touchstone, Towers Watson dba OneExchange, TPG Direct, Traders Insurance, Transamerica, Tranzact, Travelers Indemnity, Travelers Insurance Company, Travelers, Tri-State Consumer Insurance, Triple-S Inc., TriState, TruBridge, TruSource Marketing, Tryton, TSC Insurance, Tufts Associates HMO Inc., Tufts, TWG, Twin City Fire Insurance, TZ Insurance Solutions, Ucare, UMA, Underground Elephant, UniCare, Unique Q2B, United American/Farm and Ranch, United Healthcare Advisors, Universal Healthcare Advisors, United Healthcare, United Medicare Advisors, United Medicare, United of Omaha, United Pacific Insurance, United Security, United Services Automobile Association, UnitedHealthcare/UnitedHealthOne, Unitrin Direct, Unitrin, Universal American Financial Corp., Universal American, Universal Health Care, Universal Underwriters Insurance, University Health Care Inc., UnumProvident Corp., UPMC Health System, UPMC, US Benefit Solutions, US Financial Life, US Financial, US Web Leads, USA Benefits/Continental General, USA Dental Club, USAA, USF and G, USHEALTH Group, USInsuranceOnline, Vanguard Health Ventures, Vantis Life, VelaPoint Personal Insurance, Velapoint, Verified Insurance Lead, Versible Connect, Versus Media Group, Verti Insurance, Viking County Mutual Insurance, Viking Insurance Co of WI, VIMO, Visiqua, Vital One Health Plans Direct, LLC, VitalOne Health Plans, Viva Health, Washington National Life, We Speak, WEA Inc., WebTec, Wejo, WellCare Health Plans, Wellcare, WellPoint, Western & Southern Life, Western and Southern Life, Western Mutual, Windsor Insurance, Woodlands Financial Group, World of Insurance, WynnHealth, XLHealth.,, Zander, Zebra, Zoom Insurance, ZQ Sales, Zurich North America or other partners, Zurich.
Terms & Conditions
This Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement ("Terms of Use") constitutes a binding agreement between you and United Medicare Advisors. Please read carefully through all sections of these Terms of Use. By accessing this website you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. Please be advised that any information you submit to United Medicare Advisors, through a customer service representative, on our site, via emails, text message, multimedia message, or otherwise, becomes the property of United Medicare Advisors. If you do not acknowledge and agree to these Terms of Use, then do not enter your information. Your access to and use of the Sites is subject to these Terms of Use and all applicable laws. These Terms of Use may be changed by us from time to time without notice to you, and the latest version will be posted on this Site.
About This Site (hereinafter "the Site" or "this Site") is an online resource for people seeking to learn more about their insurance options. United Medicare Advisors does not endorse any particular insurance plan, provider, or agent. Any information provided about any particular insurance plan, provider, or agent shall not be construed as an endorsement by United Medicare Advisors.
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This website is owned and maintained by Spring Insurance Solutions, LLC. No content or images may be downloaded, or reproduced without our prior and explicit consent.
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By accessing this website and/or using our service, you agree to abide by and be bound by this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use.
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United Medicare Advisors uses this website to collect both personally-identifiable and non-personally identifiable information. When you use our service or visit this website you are authorizing the sharing of both your inquiry and your personally-identifiable and non-personally identifiable information with United Medicare Advisors. The personally-identifiable information we collect may include, but is not limited to:
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United Medicare Advisors collects information that you provide when you make inquiries using our "Compare Plans Now" or "Compare Rates" forms or other such similar tools or forms contained within, complete a transaction, enter a promotion or sign up to receive communications. The information you provide may also be collected through another website in the network.
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How Information Is Used
The information we collect about you may be utilized in a variety of ways. For example, we may:
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We may also use your information in an aggregated, non-identified form for research purposes and to help us make sales, marketing, and business decisions.
We may use service providers to perform some of these functions. Those service providers are restricted from sharing your information for any other purpose.
We also may use the personal information we collect about you in other ways that are necessary or useful for us to conduct our business, so long as such uses are permitted by applicable law. Where required by law, we will provide specific notice at the time of collection and obtain your consent to such other uses.
In order to offer you a more consistent and personalized experience in your interactions with us, information collected through one method may be combined with information obtained through other methods. We may also supplement the information we collect with information obtained from other sources. For example, we may use services from other companies that enable us to derive a general geographic area based on your IP address in order to customize certain services to your geographic area.
By visiting this website agreeing with, and accepting this Privacy Policy, and then sharing your information with this website, directly or automatically, you consent to the collection and use of your information by our site development team. In so doing, you agree to abide by this Privacy Policy, this site's Terms of Use, and this site's disclaimer. You further expressly consent to receive communications via live telephone, an automatic dialing system, pre-recorded message, or text message from United Medicare Advisors or its subsidiaries, affiliates, or Companies at the telephone number provided including your wireless number (if provided) as well as via email regarding your health insurance options including Medicare Supplement Insurance, Medicare Advantage, and/or Medicare Part D. Your consent to receive communications in this way is not required as a condition of purchasing any goods or services. Your telephone company may impose additional charges for text messages, and you may revoke your consent at any time through any reasonable manner.
You also acknowledge that you agree to be contacted by United Medicare Advisors, regardless of the presence of your telephone number, or if you registered on any state or Federal DNC ("Do Not Call") or DNE ("Do Not Email") list or registry. Find their information online at
United Medicare Advisors is committed to being compliant with all Federal regulations, including the Federal CAN-SPAM Act of 2003.
You may "opt-out" of communications such as telephone calls and/or emails from United Medicare Advisors at any time, and we will remove you from our mailing and telephone lists.
If you no longer wish to receive further communications from United Medicare Advisors, you may opt-out of receiving such communications by emailing us at or calling us at 1 (855) 665-9200 or writing to the address below:
United Medicare Advisors
120 W. 12th St.
Suite 1700
Kansas City, Missouri 64105
1 (855) 665-9200
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Collection of Children's Personal Information
United Medicare Advisors is committed to protecting the privacy needs of children and we encourage parents and guardians to take an active role in their children's online activities. We do not target our Services to children less than thirteen (13) years of age, nor do we knowingly collect information from such children for the purpose of selling products or services. If you believe we may have received personal information from a child less than 13 years of age, please contact us immediately.
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Our website may contain links to other websites or services that are not owned or controlled by us. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy policies or statements, or terms of use or service for such third-party websites. We encourage you to be aware when you leave our sites and to read the applicable privacy policies and terms of use for any third-party websites you may visit or services you may use.
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Our sites are hosted in the United States of America ("USA"). If you are located outside of the USA, please be aware that the laws in your location governing the collection and use of your personal information may differ from applicable laws in the USA. If you do visit our sites or use the Services, or otherwise share your personal information with us, please note that you are voluntarily transferring your information to the USA, that you consent to that transfer, that you agree to be bound by this Privacy Notice and our Terms of Use, and that you agree to waive, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any other rights or protections you may have under the laws of your location or any other jurisdiction outside of the USA.
Contacting Us
If you have any questions about United Medicare Advisors, this website, our service, the information we maintain about you, or this Privacy Policy, you may contact us at:
United Medicare Advisors
120 W. 12th St.
Suite 1700
Kansas City, Missouri 64105
1 (855) 665-9200
If your personally identifiable information changes, or if you no longer desire our service, you may correct, update, delete or deactivate it by emailing our Customer Support at or by contacting us by telephone or postal mail at the contact information listed above.
Changes to This Policy
United Medicare Advisors reserves the right to modify this privacy statement at any time, so please review it frequently. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here, by email, or by means of a notice on our homepage. An updated copy of this Privacy Policy will be clearly posted and accessible on this website at all times.
This website is owned and operated by Spring Insurance Solutions LLC. Last updated 03/18/21.