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Medicare 101

Medicare is a federal program that provides individuals 65 years or older healthcare coverage at a small cost. Original Medicare coverage is broken into two parts-Part A and Part B-and is accepted by nearly every doctor and hospital in the country. Medicare Part A covers inpatient or hospital stays while Part B covers outpatient or medical care.

Together, Part A and B cover about 80% of the typical healthcare costs seniors face-leaving a few significant gaps in coverage. Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans are supplemental policies designed to help extend coverage, lessen costs, and ultimately give beneficiaries peace of mind at all times.


How it works



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How does this fit with other coverage

Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans work alongside your Original Medicare plan to help fill coverage gaps, such as traveling abroad and deductibles. Because it is used with your federal Medicare coverage, it is also accepted at any hospital that accepts Original Medicare.

Medicare Supplement plans offer the advantage of flexibility; unlike some other senior healthcare options, you have the freedom to enroll in or change your Medicare Supplement policy at any time throughout the year. And because Medicare Supplement policies are guaranteed renewable, you cannot lose coverage if you develop a health condition or concern-meaning you're protected year over year, no matter what.

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